Wednesday 20 December 2017

Announcing Shopify’s New Sketch Plugin: Polaris Telescope

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Announcing Shopify's New Sketch Plugin: Polaris Telescope

Polaris Telescope

Shopify's design system, Polaris, helps us and everyone building for Shopify create apps that look and feel like they were designed by the same team. Today, we're very excited to take Polaris one step further by introducing Polaris Telescope, Shopify's first Sketch plugin.

Polaris Telescope lets you search and view Polaris guidelines and code right within Sketch.

In this article, we'll cover:

  • Why Polaris Telescope empowers you to create a great experience for merchants.
  • Where to download and how to use this Sketch plugin.
  • Why it will speed up your workflow, as well as your team's.



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