Friday 29 December 2017

Shopify's Web Design and Development Blog in Review: The Top 10 Articles of 2017

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Shopify's Web Design and Development Blog in Review: The Top 10 Articles of 2017

reading list

We've covered a lot of ground on the Web Design and Development Blog in 2017, producing over 200 blog posts that touched on everything from atom packages and web design trends, to app onboarding and the world of affiliates.

If you didn't have time to read all 200, we don't blame you. With this in mind, we've selected the best content from the Web Design and Development Blog in 2017. These posts cover a variety of topics, and were our most read articles of the year. Enjoy and see you in 2018 🚀


Wednesday 27 December 2017

10 Creative Shopify Stores to Get You Excited for 2018

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10 Creative Shopify Stores to Get You Excited for 2018

shopify stores

Now that the year's coming to an end, it's time to reflect on all the wonderful web design and development work you've done in 2017.

In this article, we've collected some of the most interesting ecommerce designs we've seen this year into one list. We hope these stores will inspire you to do your best work and make commerce better for everyone.


Thursday 21 December 2017

A Beginner's Git Guide with Shopify - Part 3: Branching, Pull Requests, Merge Conflicts, and Workflow

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A Beginner's Git Guide with Shopify - Part 3: Branching, Pull Requests, Merge Conflicts, and Workflow

beginners git guide

It's important to think about how to keep track of all the changes we make in our code, especially as projects become more complicated, when we collaborate with other developers, or when we just want to know what's been worked on or fixed in a project. This article is the third and final part in a series of articles about Git and Shopify.

In this article you will learn:

  • What Git branches are and how they work.
  • How to create feature branches and sync them with GitHub.
  • How to create a pull request on GitHub.
  • How to resolve merge conflicts, and why they happen.
  • Git workflows at Shopify, and for developers working with themes.


Wednesday 20 December 2017

Happy Holidays Partner!

A love letter from our team to yours.

2017 was a year of massive growth for Shopify and our entire Shopify Partner Ecosystem. Everything we’ve achieved is a shared win — we will never forget that you, our community, are a massive driving force in our success. United, we are stronger.

Here’s to continuing to grow together in 2018.

- Happy Holidays from the Shopify Partners Team

We’d love to learn more about you and your team, and connect you with other partners around the world. If you haven’t already, join our private Shopify Partners Facebook group — use the password “community” when requesting access.

© Shopify Partners
150 Elgin Street, Ottawa ON, K2P 1L4

Announcing Shopify’s New Sketch Plugin: Polaris Telescope

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Announcing Shopify's New Sketch Plugin: Polaris Telescope

Polaris Telescope

Shopify's design system, Polaris, helps us and everyone building for Shopify create apps that look and feel like they were designed by the same team. Today, we're very excited to take Polaris one step further by introducing Polaris Telescope, Shopify's first Sketch plugin.

Polaris Telescope lets you search and view Polaris guidelines and code right within Sketch.

In this article, we'll cover:

  • Why Polaris Telescope empowers you to create a great experience for merchants.
  • Where to download and how to use this Sketch plugin.
  • Why it will speed up your workflow, as well as your team's.


Tuesday 19 December 2017

7 Beautifully Designed Apps to Inspire You Over the Holidays

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7 Beautifully Designed Apps to Inspire You Over the Holidays

beautifully designed apps

While the holiday season is thought to be a time of festivities and rest, for many app developers, it's hard to completely unplug. To help you enjoy the season, while also gathering some inspiration on app interface improvements, we've created a list of seven lifestyle apps that not only have noteworthy design and UX, but will also get you into the holiday spirit.

In this article, we'll cover:

  • Seven beautifully designed apps to inspire you over the holiday season.
  • Why each app has great UI.
  • Seven demos, one for each app.


Monday 18 December 2017

How to Generate Leads for Your Business Using Content

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How to Generate Leads for Your Business Using Content

how to generate leads

Time is money for small business owners, freelancers, and agencies. These entrepreneurs are predominantly focused on sales and scaling their business — therefore content built around generating leads is the most impactful form of marketing they can invest in. With this in mind, we've compiled a list of tips on how to create content that will generate leads to keep your business growing..

In this article we'll cover:

  • How to develop and distribute valuable, targeted content.
  • Why maintaining a strong content strategy across all channels is essential to lead generation.
  • The importance of using clear calls-to-action in all content.


Friday 15 December 2017

Everything You Need to Know About Development Stores

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Everything You Need to Know About Development Stores

development stores

As a Shopify Partner, you need to be familiar with development stores. They're used in the first steps of signing up a client for Shopify, as well as for demos, and even for portfolio purposes.

In this article, we condensed everything you need to know about development stores into a step-by-step guide. We'll walk through:

  • Understanding development stores.
  • Creating development stores.
  • Enhancing development store functionality.
  • Transferring store ownership.
  • Requesting access to existing stores.
