Thursday 29 August 2019

Website Personalization: Improving Conversion with Personalized Shopping Experiences

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Website Personalization: Improving Conversion with Personalized Shopping Experiences

Website personalization is key to helping your client's users make decisions and convert. But what's the best way to introduce personalization? Learn what personalization is, how to measure its success, and how to help your client choose a personalization solution.

Wednesday 28 August 2019

How to Direct, Control, and Hold Focus Through Design

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How to Direct, Control, and Hold Focus Through Design

With attention spans seemingly falling by the minute, keeping your users engaged is a constant struggle for designers. Learn how you can use design to grab and hold your user's attention and increase conversion for your clients.

Tuesday 27 August 2019

How to Improve Conversions with Dynamic Checkout Buttons

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How to Improve Conversions with Dynamic Checkout Buttons

The user experience on a store's cart and checkout pages is crucial for determining whether or not a sale will be completed. In this post, learn how to implement dynamic checkout buttons onto your custom theme's product and cart page.

Thursday 22 August 2019

10 Tips to Take a Vacation as a Business Owner

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10 Tips to Take a Vacation as a Business Owner

As an agency or development shop owner, taking a vacation can be tough. In this article, we round up the best advice from around the web on how to prep your business, your staff, and yourself for some well-deserved time off.

Wednesday 21 August 2019

10 Beautiful Ecommerce Website Color Schemes

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10 Beautiful Ecommerce Website Color Schemes

Color is one of the most powerful tools in a web designer's toolbox, but finding the perfect color scheme for your client's site isn't easy. Take a look at 10 examples of great website color schemes to inspire your own designs.

Tuesday 20 August 2019

22 Basic UX Laws That Every Designer Should Know

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22 Basic UX Laws That Every Designer Should Know

Design is a broad discipline with many different specializations. But no matter what kind of design you do, there are a set of UX laws you should follow to build the best products you can. Learn these laws and how they help users better interact with your designs.

Thursday 15 August 2019

Global Expansion Strategy: Why Partnerships are Key to Winning New Business

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Global Expansion Strategy: Why Partnerships are Key to Winning New Business

One of the biggest opportunities to grow your business is to work internationally, and one of the best ways of starting that global expansion is by building partnerships with other international partners. Learn how to find and work with partners around the globe to jumpstart your business's growth.

Wednesday 14 August 2019

How to Use Relative Pagination In Your Application

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How to Use Relative Pagination In Your Application

Loading all the records for a particular model from Shopify is one of the most time consuming operations an app can perform. To help address this problem, we're introducing relative cursor-based pagination in our 2019-07 REST Admin API version. Learn what this change means for you as an app developer.

Tuesday 13 August 2019

20 Ways to Set and Manage Client Expectations During Onboarding

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20 Ways to Set and Manage Client Expectations During Onboarding

Setting expectations with a new client during the onboarding process is the secret to a smooth project. Learn how industry experts set and manage expectations during onboarding and beyond.

Thursday 8 August 2019

Email Personalization: Using Analytics to Send Relevant, High Converting Emails

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Email Personalization: Using Analytics to Send Relevant, High Converting Emails

No other method of traffic acquisition is capable of reaching your client's customers quite like email. But how do you make your client's emails stand out in crowded inboxes? Learn how email personalization will improve your open and click through rates, and how to use analytics to create highly relevant, high converting emails.