Wednesday 31 July 2019

How to Build a Customizable Related Products Section

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How to Build a Customizable Related Products Section

Recommending related products can be a powerful tool for increasing conversions on your clients' stores. In this post, learn how to leverage the Liquid recommendations object to provide clients with the ability to surface data-powered product recommendations on their product pages.

Tuesday 30 July 2019

5 Best Essential Freelancer Tools

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5 Best Essential Freelancer Tools

Freelancing requires you to do a lot more than design and development. You will face a mountain of admin and the never-ending struggle of bringing in the next project. Learn about the 5 kinds of freelancer tools that will help you stay organized.

Thursday 25 July 2019

Shopify’s Billing API in GraphQL: What App Developers Need to Know

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Shopify's Billing API in GraphQL: What App Developers Need to Know

This year at Shopify Unite, we announced that our Billing API is now available in GraphQL. Learn the basics of this new API and how it will help you unlock opportunities to build apps end-to-end in GraphQL.

Wednesday 24 July 2019

How to Build Multilingual Shopify Apps

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How to Build Multilingual Shopify Apps

In the next five years, 65 percent of ecommerce sales will be made in countries that speak languages other than English. Leverage that international demand by learning the tips, tricks, and processes Shopify developer Sufio implemented when building their first multilingual app.

Tuesday 23 July 2019

Understanding Progressive JPEG and WebP Formats

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Understanding Progressive JPEG and WebP Formats

Just last week, Shopify started to automatically serve WebP images to improve the performance and delivery of visuals on your clients' stores. Learn the fundamentals of WebP versus progressive JPEGs, and how this change affects merchants stores.

Thursday 18 July 2019

Mobile Design Trends in 2019

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Mobile Design Trends in 2019

With 2019 already halfway over, we're looking at how trends in mobile design are changing. Learn how factors like personalization, 3D design, and security will impact how you design mobile products.

Wednesday 17 July 2019

A Modern Approach to CSS Pt. 2: Building Resources

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A Modern Approach to CSS Pt. 2: Building Resources

With strong CSS tools and organizational methods in your toolkit, you can start building resources for your website. Learn how to navigate the CSS spec and see examples of how it will help you solve common problems.

Tuesday 16 July 2019

Use the Kit Skills App Extension to Engage Your Users Conversationally

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Use the Kit Skills App Extension to Engage Your Users Conversationally

Kit is a made-by-Shopify app that helps merchants tackle their to-do lists by proposing and completing tasks through chat. With the new Kit Skills app extension, you can extend the capabilities of your app into Kit's conversational interface. Learn how the Kit Skills app extension works and how it can help you further connect with users.

Thursday 11 July 2019

How to Write Excellent Commerce Content for Your Clients

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How to Write Excellent Commerce Content for Your Clients

Creating high quality commerce content has become an important facet of marketing, and leveraging this tool can drive impressive results for your clients. Learn the different angles of commerce content and how you can use them to improve your clients' sales.

Wednesday 10 July 2019

10 Things we Learned Building Our First Shopify App

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10 Things we Learned Building Our First Shopify App

When you start developing your first Shopify App, it can be challenging to know where to start. In this article, Shopify developers share the top 10 lessons they learned when building their first Shopify App.