Thursday 30 November 2017

How to Build a Customizable Related Products Section

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How to Build a Customizable Related Products Section

related products

Product pages can present unique opportunities and challenges when designing custom themes for clients. Intuitive product recommendations make it easy for customers to continue shopping, and drive conversions for your clients.

In this article you'll learn:

  • Why personalized product recommendations improve user-experience.
  • What options are available to optimize recommendations.
  • How to add a related products option to a Shopify theme section.


Friday 17 November 2017

You’re invited to Unite 2018

Save $100 and guarantee your spot today!


Hey there,

Tickets are now available!. Unite, Shopify's annual partner and developer conference will take place from May 7
to May 9
, in Toronto, Canada.

Unite is your opportunity to get an insider's look into Shopify's platform and understand how we are changing the future of commerce. Secure your tickets today and let's continue to create a path that leads to more entrepreneurs.


Prices will increase to $699 upon selling out of Standard Tickets, so get yours today. Four ticket purchase maximum per partner.

In case you missed it, here's a quick recap of last year's conference.

We can't wait to see you there!

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